Web Design by Prizum Creative in Pittsburgh
They say music and art go hand in hand. Multi-talented Prizum Creative partner Jesse Mader recently launched a new album with his band, the Urban Rock Project.
He drew on his love for music and worked with the Prizum Creative team to design a hip website to showcase his music, announce events, and interact with his fans. The design was killer, but it went beyond looking pretty to include high quality photos, sound, and videos, which are critical to building a fan base in the music industry. Well, just about any industry these days.
He keeps the site fresh by bringing in his Twitter feeds and fan posts so everything is tied together, communicating a consistent brand image.
The new website has helped to bring Jesse’s music to the forefront of the local music scene and designs by Prizum Creative can bring your company to the top of the charts too. Just as music and art go hand in hand, Prizum Creative and quality website design do as well. Check out the design, and the music at www.jessemader.com.