Things Your Website Hompage Should Have

Starting to generate ideas for your new website can be challenging: What’s the most important information viewers need? What will make them click through other pages? What will generate business? Here are our suggestions:

  1. Large header image with a tagline/value proposition

This will be the first thing a viewer will see. It needs to be a bold image with a powerful, intriguing message that will make a lasting impression.

  1. At Least One Call-To-Action

A visually appealing website is always a plus, but you need to get your viewers to take some sort of action by clicking, reading, filling out a form. You need your viewers to interact with your website.

  1. High-Quality, Original Images

High-quality, original images show that your brand is also high-quality and original. You should show your audience that you take pride in your brand and went the extra mile to incorporate memorable images.

  1. Easy Navigation

A website needs to be easily-navigable. If it’s hard for a viewer to find what they’re looking for, they will likely get frustrated and leave the site. You want viewers to be able to get from point A to point B as quickly and as easily as possible. This always starts with a menu at the top of the homepage.

  1. Contact Info

This is probably the most important piece of information a website needs to have. If a viewer needs to get in touch with the company for any reason (questions, comments, concerns, etc.), they need to be able to reach out to the company. All of this information usually sits at the bottom of the homepage. Sometimes a phone number will stay in the header, and another separate “Contact Us” page is common on sites.

  1. Social Media Links

Social media is becoming a necessity when developing an online presence. Some companies may need a YouTube channel to demonstrate a makeup tutorial, while other companies may need to focus on a Twitter account for customer service purposes.

  1. Blog Highlights

Blogs are also essential to websites in order to generate SEO. An easy way to get your viewers to see your blog is by putting links on the main homepage. These usually sit in the footer of a homepage.

  1. Awards / Certifications

Any way you can brag about your brand or give yourself leverage over your competition, do it. Make sure to put any achievements you’ve gotten on the homepage so viewers can see this and know this about your brand right away.

  1. Brand-Dependent: Overview Of Services, Testimonials, Video, Meet The Staff

Depending on what kind of company you have, there are certain elements you may need to have on your homepage. For example, if you have an auto shop, you will need to tell your potential customers what kind of services you offer. If you are a matchmaking service, you should definitely have some sort of testimonials on your homepage to show that your services have worked for other clients.

  1. A Quick Way to Incentivize and Collect a Client Email Address

It is very important that a company receives client email addresses so they can continue to receive e-blasts, coupons, special offers, etc. The strategy for collecting a client email address may depend on the company, but it should be placed on a website homepage. For instance, if an athletic clothing company wants to rack up email addresses, they may place an offer of “25% off your first online order” close to the top of the homepage, and in order to receive the discount, the site visitor must supply an email address.

If you’re starting a new website and need help getting started, contact Prizum Creative. We have customizable packages to fit your site’s needs.