Black Friday will be here before we all know it – it’s only one week away! If you have good deals, you’ll need to get the word out, and a way that will grab your audience’s attention. Here are some tips for marketing your 2018 Black Friday (and even Cyber Monday) deals.

Figure Out Your Deal & Who You’re Targeting

Black Friday is one of the biggest spending days of the year. People are prepared to spend money, but are also searching out the best deals on good products and services. If you haven’t come up with a deal yet, make sure the offer and the target market complement one another.

Who do you normally target? What are your target audience members looking for (besides just plain old good deals)? Is there a specific product or service that could use some extra promoting? Do you have a popular product that you know your audience will want to purchase? These are some good questions that will help define what kind of deal you should promote. The offer and the target market are the key initial pieces you’ll need before you even start to think about marketing the deals. Once you have your offer and your target audience determined, the marketing fun can begin.

Website Hero Image

If you want people to see your deals immediately, one of the best ways to grab website visitors’ attention is to put your deals in a graphic where your hero image is on your homepage. Have that graphic link directly to where your visitors can get in on any deals you have, whether that’s a product page, an online store, a form to order your product or service, etc. This will literally be the first thing a website visitor looks at, so this is an easy way to make sure your audience can’t miss out on what you’re offering.

Website Pop-Up

One of the best ways to ensure people see your deal is to create a pop-up on your website home page. Once a visitor is on the home page for a specific amount of time (usually less than 10 seconds), a pop-up will…. pop up on the screen. Usually the pop-ups have some sort of offer, in return for a piece of customer information (typically an email address). Giving your visitors a reward for providing their information benefits both parties. Companies put pop-ups on their sites any time throughout the year. However, Black Friday is an especially smart day to have a pop-up on your site since you should be expecting higher traffic than usual. The emails will come in handy for later marketing purposes, especially e-blasts.

Brand Ambassadors/Influencers

Does your company have brand ambassadors or influencers? Gather the troops, and tell them exactly what they need to do to promote your product or service heavily leading up to Black Friday, on Black Friday, and afterwards for Cyber Monday (and the holidays in general). Give them a sample(s) of the promotional product so they can have product placement in their posts. Make sure to give them all the information they need on what the Black Friday (or Cyber Monday) deals are, and let them do the influencing they’re great at.

Social Media Posts

Organic social posts are a great way to let your followers know about your Black Friday promotions. Posting organically is free, so this is always a great approach to get started on promoting your offers. Make sure to hit all of your platforms! Even having specific deals for specific followers. For instance, Facebook followers get a discount with a certain code. This could entice followers to tell their friends, family, etc. to follow the page to get the discount, and ultimately get your brand more followers. One catch with organic posts is that they do not have any power in the algorithms across various platforms, so they have potential to get lost in the shuffle… however, have no fear! You can also boost your social posts.

Social Media Boosted Posts

One way to guarantee more exposure on social media is to boost your posts. This does cost money, but can be beneficial if you’re reaching more people to invest in your Black Friday deals. Some platforms are more expensive than others, so having a specific budget in mind may make or break which platform(s) you decide to use. Boosted posts come with benefits – you don’t need to worry about actually posting on that day, you schedule the post ahead of time. Most platforms will also provide live data, and post-campaign data, so you can see how many people the campaign reached. This will also give you a better idea of what to do for future campaigns (ie Cyber Monday and/or the holidays in the following weeks).


Design an email blast that will go out to all your current customers. Send out an email the day before, the day of, and a couple hours before the sale is over. All 3 emails should be unique in some sort of way, whether it’s a different headline for each, or even emphasizing a different product or service in each blast. Use your new contacts you’ve collected from your website pop-up to push out emails for Cyber Monday and the upcoming holidays.

Email marketing is one of the top tools used for marketing Black Friday deals. To make sure yours does not get lost in the shuffle, use good photography and enticing copy to generate interest from your customers. One sure way to grab attention is to make the offer the largest piece of information – people are searching out the best deals, show how great your Black Friday deal is!

Retention for Cyber Monday and the Holidays

Black Friday is only the beginning of marketing mayhem. Get ready to go straight from Black Friday to Cyber Monday deals, and then continue into the rest of the holiday season. Black Friday is a great way to kick start your promotions and generate a larger customer base, that you can promote special offers to for the duration of the holiday season.

Need assistance with generating your holiday promotional materials? At Prizum Creative, we love creating campaigns, and watching our clients thrive. Contact us today, let’s get creative as the holiday season approaches and the year comes to a close.