Is your business’ website providing ROI to you in the form of lead generation and sales? If not, then your website is not living up to its full potential! Many business owners call their company website a digital business card. We’re here to say that business cards should be reserved for in-person meetings with clients. Instead, you should treat your website like a lead generating tool that passively generates revenue for you 24/7.

The Internet is a vast ocean, so if your website isn’t converting visitors to sales, then you can be certain those users will visit and convert on another competing website. That’s why it’s important to use every tool in your arsenal to grab customers.

So, how can you improve your website and convert it into a lead generating powerhouse? The team at Prizum has eight ideas that can help you turn your web visitors into paying customers!

1. Lead Generation Forms

lead generating website

Add lead generation forms to your website to capture user information (e.g., name, email address, phone number). This is a great way to retarget people for follow-up emails or in an ad campaign. According to a recent study, retargeting potential customers with ads yielded a 70% conversion rate – making this a valuable tool for business owners.

But not all lead forms are created equal. What are some examples of effective lead generation forms? Read on to find out:

  • Quizzes: Quizzes and surveys are a great way to engage web visitors while capturing their contact information.
  • E-Books and Webinars: By offering web visitors exclusive content such as a white paper, e-book, or webinar in exchange for contact information, you can build an email list of prospective customers.
  • Newsletter Sign-Ups: Offering web visitors the chance to sign up for your promotional newsletter is another way to grow a list of interested customers. Make sure to let them know they will have access to exclusive deals and promotions!
  • Promotional Incentives: What’s in it for your visitor to sign up? Offering web visitors a special deal or discount code in exchange for contact information can be an effective way to generate leads.

2. FAQ Sections

faq questions

An FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Section is so much more than a customer service tool. It’s also an effective way to increase your web presence and boost SEO (Search Engine Optimization) performance.

For instance, you can use an FAQ section as a great “catch-all” opportunity to place a bunch of relevant key phrases in H2 and H3 tags. This will help web crawlers understand the context of your web page better, thus boosting your web presence.

3. Add Motion

Motion can add an extra wow factor to your web design. This can come in the form of web videos, web animations, and web gifs to provide a more engaging web experience.

4. Add Video

Video is an effective storytelling tool that comes with many advantages. It’s highly shareable, memorable, and it provides web visitors with a unique way to connect with your brand’s mission or message. Videos can help prospective customers to visualize themselves with your product or service. This will help them to fall down the marketing funnel and convert to a sale.

5. Keywords are Key

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), the mission is simple: The more first-page keywords you rank for, the higher your visibility will be! SEO keywords are what search engines use to categorize web pages and determine their rank in organic search results.

That’s why it’s important to know what keywords your web visitors are searching for when they come to your site. We recommend identifying 30-50 keywords or phrases that web visitors might use to search for your business. This will help web crawlers understand the context of the web page better, so they can index it properly and increase your visibility in organic search engine results.

Make sure to add those keywords to the right places around your web page (e.g., web page titles, web page descriptions, headings, and body text).

Dedicate a space for your goal keywords like a spreadsheet and keep track of when you start ranking for them. This will give you a good indication of how effective your SEO efforts have been. And remember that if you are looking to rank for a keyword, your best bet is to have a dedicated page on your website for that keyword!

In simple terms, here are where your target keywords should be included:

  • Meta titles and meta descriptions
  • H1, H2, and H3 headings
  • Blog titles
  • Body content
  • Alt tags on images

6. Creative Headlines & Subheadings

Headlines and subheadings are an effective way to engage web visitors and tell a story about your business. When writing headlines and subheadings, focus on creating something that’s memorable, unique, and engaging!

7. Case Studies

case studies lead generating

Case studies can be a great way to provide web visitors with proof of concept for your services or products. These stories should be real-world examples of how you have successfully helped customers with similar challenges. Case studies provide credibility to your product or service, as web visitors will see that you have successfully helped clients in the past.

8. A Professional Design

Finally, the most important web design factor is to make sure your web page looks professional. A bad website will be a deterrent for web visitors and can ultimately lead to lost business opportunities. So make sure to hire professional web designers (like Prizum) who understand the importance of web design principles such as usability and accessibility when designing your web page.

9. Lead Nurturing

Lead generating is just half the battle. Once you have acquired leads through your website, how can get them to convert? This is achieved through a process called lead nurturing. There are many ways to nurture your leads – from manually contacting leads through phone calls or emails to newsletters and automated drip campaigns.

The best way to lead nurture is to integrate your website with a CRM or email marketing Pittsburgh. This will ensure that all leads fall into an appropriate database and get tailored messages depending on their web journey.

10. Frequent Updates

Did you know that Google ranks websites based on how frequently they are updated? If you want your web page to rank higher, make sure to keep it fresh by adding new content and making updates regularly. This could be anything from a blog post or web page update to adding new images and videos. Keeping the web page up-to-date will also help web visitors stay engaged and more likely to convert.

Looking to Generate Leads through Your Website? Contact the Web Experts at Prizum !

Prizum Creative web design agency

We believe that websites should be designed to generate qualified leads and conversions. If your website isn’t doing that, it’s time to call in the web design company Pittsburgh at Prizum!  We have helped many Pittsburgh businesses create web experiences through lead-generating websites that drive sales and revenue. See the results for yourself!

Contact us today to learn how we can help you make your lead-generating website stand out from the competition. We look forward to hearing from you!