There’s an irony to the name landing pages, because they’re usually used when a brand is taking off! Landing pages can be used for multiple purposes, but one of the more prominent uses of a landing page is for a coming soon page for a website. Here’s why it’s important to create and publish a landing page to act as a “coming soon” page while you’re building a full website.


It Buys You Time While Your Site is Getting Developed

If your site is still in the works, and close to the finish line, it’s definitely a good idea to get a coming soon page up on your domain. It buys you a little extra time, and gives you some leeway  in case your site runs into any complications during testing.


It Helps Generate Buzz/Hype Before Your Full Site is Ready

One of the best things you can do for a new brand/site is to give it a lot of hype so potential customers are excited and anxious for your site/brand’s launch. It gives your brand/site a positive perception before it’s even launched.


It Can Get SEO Rolling Before Your Full Site is Even Launched

When designing a coming soon page, it’s important to incorporate some SEO techniques and get keywords, titles, etc. in order to get your SEO foot in the door ahead of time. This will make you a step ahead of the game and ensure your SEO is at full potential when your full site is launched.


It Generates Leads/Collects Information Ahead of Time

Most coming soon pages include a form to fill out – whether it’s signing up for emails or signing up for a service. This is a great way to generate leads and email lists, and gain a customer base for your company before you even launch your site. Then, with a prepared email list, you can send out an e-blast once your site is launched to begin forming customer relationships.


It Helps Promote Your Other Social Media Sites to Start Getting a Following Before A Launch

Most coming soon landing pages incorporate the brand’s links to social media platforms. Another piece of the online puzzle is building a following on social media platforms. The larger following you can attain before a site/brand launch, the more legitimate your brand is going to look right off the bat.


It Helps Build Customer Relationships Early On

It’s important to start building relationships with customers as early as possible. A coming soon page helps start the customer relationship base before a site is even launched. It’s a great way to build trust, and show customers you care and are dedicated to your company and are putting customer interest first.


At Prizum Creative, we always recommend designing landing pages when building websites. It not only helps us from a design standpoint to create a brand identity before/during site development, but it also helps the client’s brand gain exposure and a customer base before going into full launch mode. It creates a more seamless transition to a site launch and allows for full preparation of a launch. If you’re building a brand or a new website, contact us at Prizum Creative. We’ll be sure to get your site the design and exposure it needs.


Check out some of the landing pages we’ve designed for our clients!