Just like daily specials at a restaurant or bar, the world of social media has caught onto daily trends, using hashtags. Hashtags are great for increasing visibility and engaging in your online community. Participating in day of the week hashtags shows your enthusiasm to interact with your followers and the digital world. So, here are some popular hashtag ideas to use in your upcoming social posts! #HashtagHaveFun



Posting a picture of yourself on a Sunday? Definitely use this hashtag! Also, use #SelfieSunday as a means of generating user-generated content from followers, or share photos of employees to connect with your followers.


Doing something fun…on a Sunday? Use #SundayFunday to share with the world how you’re spending the day!


Do you often put your employees in the spotlight, or want to do it more? #SpotlightSunday is the perfect way to humanize your brand and share your pride in your employees.


What kind of vibe do you want to express to your followers? Are you having a lowkey relaxing weekend? A weekend with a lot of traveling and action? Use #WeekendVibes to show your audience what kind of vibe you’re experiencing this weekend.


Is your company in the fitness & health industry? This is the perfect hashtag to use on a Sunday! Give your followers some inspiration for working up a sweat on a Sunday.


Sometimes it’s nice to just relax on a Sunday – it’s okay to have a lazy day every once in a while, and it’s also okay to show your followers how you spend some down time on a Sunday. Ultimately, it adds a relatable, human element to your social post.


You can run, but don’t hide from your Sunday Scaries – share your Sunday Scary coping methods with your followers.



Is there an inspirational quote your brand lives by? Anything exciting or successful recently happen at the company that would motivate a follower or employee? Use #MotivationMonday to get your followers motivated. For example, share a client success story to your followers to inspire them.


Prizum Creative loves a good Pun-day Monday! Start the week off right – share a good pun to give your followers a laugh on a Monday morning.


Mondays are… well… Mondays. They’re not always viewed as the most exciting day of the week; however, you can commiserate with your online community by participating in #MondayBlues and share your story.

#MCM (Man Crush Monday)

Man Crush Monday is one of the original day-of-the-week hashtags (along with WCW – woman crush Wednesday). This hashtag is typically used to disclose a secret crush; however, in a more professional setting, spin the idea of your “crush” to explain why you admire a male figure. Emphasize why you admire them as a person, and not for their looks. An exception to this would be if you’re running a social account for a fashion company and you admire a male fashion designer.


Keep your spirits up on a Monday by listening to some good tunes. For instance, share your playlist or your top song for getting through a Monday! Additionally, populate some user-generated content by asking your followers to share what they’re listening to on #MusicMonday.


Reminiscing about an old memory? Use #MondayMemories to share a story from the past with your followers.


If you’re in a mood (good or bad), tell your followers what kind of mood you’re in, and why! If you’re in a less than ideal mood, put a funny spin on it. Encourage your followers to be in a good mood – it’s the saying “smiling is contagious,” but for social media.



If you run a social media account for a travel agency, this hashtag is going to be your ultimate sidekick. Even if you don’t run a travel brand’s social account, showing employees traveling for a convention still counts as travel!


Any brand can give tips to its followers – whether you’re a plumber, cosmetic company, or law firm, people are always looking for advice. #TipTuesday is a great way to engage with your audience and give them a new piece of knowledge. People will come back to your page looking for more if you keep up with that hashtag each week!


Has your company made any transformations, or celebrating any milestones? Use #TransformationTuesday to humanize your brand. People love these kinds of posts, specifically, seeing before-and-after posts. So, make sure to take the opportunity to use this hashtag.


Did you miss out on #MusicMonday? Have no fear – #TuesdayTunes has your back!


If you run a shoe store or fashion brand, show off your favorite shoes with #TuesdayShoesday. Above all, encourage your followers to join in with you!


This one is pretty simple. Pick a topic, and talk about it. The topic should be relevant to your brand or industry.


This hashtag is best for companies that are in the food and beverage industry. For example, if you’re sampling your products somewhere, share with your followers – they may just show up to the tasting! Or, if you’re testing out potential new products, your followers will love getting to see sneak previews of what’s to come.


What’s the hottest trend in your industry right now? Let your followers know with #TrendyTuesday.


People love playing trivia! Turn your next post into a mini game of trivia. For instance, ask a question about one of your products or services, or a general knowledge question pertaining to your industry. Even make it into a contest! The first person to guess the correct answer could win a free product or sample.


#WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday)

Just like #MCM, tell your followers about a female figure that inspires you.


Similarly to #TransformationTuesday, #MondayMemories, #ThrowbackThursday, or #FlashbackFriday, use this hashtag on a Wednesday to tell your followers about something that happened in the past.


Bring some joy into your followers’ Wednesdays by posting something positive about what’s happening in your world today.


Invoke some wise words onto your followers. So, if there’s a wise quote your brand stands by, or just a general piece of knowledge you want to share, go for it. Knowledge is power.


Health and wellness are important! If your brand is in the health field, definitely take the opportunity to use this hashtag on a Wednesday. Even if your brand is not in the health industry, show a post of something your brand does to cultivate wellness. For example, this can be anything from fitness, to tips for cold/flu season, how your office tries to stay healthy, mentally and physically.


Ever since the Geico commercial, Wednesdays have never been the same. Tell your followers how you’re getting through the middle of the week.


Share some workout tips with your followers – if it’s relevant of course. Post a video of an employee doing a workout routine, before/after workout photos, or even a step-by-step photo of how to do a certain workout move.


#TBT (Throwback Thursday)

We’ve made it to Thursday! You know what that means, time for a throwback photo. This is one of the most popular hashtags. So, definitely use this one when you can.


You can be thankful for things outside of the Thanksgiving holiday. Share with your followers what you’re thankful for. For example, your followers will like it if you tell them you’re thankful for them)


Similar to #TopicTuesday, share your thoughts on a relevant subject matter. For instance, this can come in the form of an interesting quote you came across, an interesting industry-related fact, or any other piece of information you have an opinion about.


#FBF (Flashback Friday)

If you haven’t had time this week for #MondayMemories, #TransformationTuesday, #WayBackWednesday, or #TBT, there’s always room for a #FBF!

#FF (Follow Friday)

This hashtag is great for new social accounts who want to grow followers. An eye for an eye. Or, should we say, a follow for a follow…


Fact: you should learn something new every day, and your followers should too! Tell them something they don’t know.


Fridays are always fun! Share how you’re celebrating the final “week” day – for instance, maybe even add in a #TGIF.


The perfect excuse to feature an employee, product, or service is to use #FeatureFriday.


Get your fitness tips in before the weekend hits.


For restaurants, breweries, or any food-related business, share a post of something delicious! People love to eat out on the weekend – give them something they won’t want to miss out on this weekend. For example, if you have a limited-time new recipe coming out only for the month of March, snap a picture of it and share it with your followers.


For all the fashion brands out there, this one literally screams you.


Got a good joke up your sleeve? Save it until Friday so you can pair your joke with this hashtag.



Have you been wanting to give a shout out to a follower, employee, or influencer? #ShoutoutSaturday is your chance to put that person in the spotlight!


Small business owners – this one’s for you! Share something unique about your small business and use this hashtag. For example, feature the owner and a story about how the company came to be.


Once again, for all the fashion & home décor companies, share what your brand is doing today, in style, of course.