30 New Years Resolution Ideas for Graphic Designers
Happy New Year! Now is the time to make an annual resolution. Want to make some career-oriented resolutions, but feeling uninspired? (https://avaana.com.au) We’ve got the resolution inspiration you need.
- Learn a new program.
- Master your weakest program.
- If you freelance, raise your rates.
- Update your portfolio.
- Subscribe to new design blogs.
- Redesign something just for fun.
- Help someone learn something you’re an expert in.
- Do some spring cleaning to your desktop… you know it’s messy.
- Try a color combination you’d never dream of using.
- Enter your work into a gallery.
- Go to a conference or industry-related convention.
- Do more networking than you did last year.
- Take a class.
- Try to stay more organized – buy a planner, keep your digital folders (and physical folders) organized. Throw away things that are unnecessary.
- Do something outside of what’s trending – you could end up creating the next new trend.
- Stop taking criticism personally.
- Work smarter/more efficiently.
- Embrace white space and keep things simple.
- Try more hand-illustrations.
- Start a blog, or blog more often.
- Travel for inspiration.
- Take more photos.
- Drink less coffee.
- Appreciate your clients – thank them, buy them lunch, wish them a happy birthday.
- Ask more questions.
- Do more research.
- Keep your eyes peeled for inspiration everywhere you go.
- Pick a weakness and try to overcome it.
- Keep in touch with your past clients.
- Create a custom font.