30 New Years Resolution Ideas for Graphic Designers

Happy New Year! Now is the time to make an annual resolution. Want to make some career-oriented resolutions, but feeling uninspired? (https://avaana.com.au) We’ve got the resolution inspiration you need.


  1. Learn a new program.
  2. Master your weakest program.
  3. If you freelance, raise your rates.
  4. Update your portfolio.
  5. Subscribe to new design blogs.
  6. Redesign something just for fun.
  7. Help someone learn something you’re an expert in.
  8. Do some spring cleaning to your desktop… you know it’s messy.
  9. Try a color combination you’d never dream of using.
  10. Enter your work into a gallery.
  11. Go to a conference or industry-related convention.
  12. Do more networking than you did last year.
  13. Take a class.
  14. Try to stay more organized – buy a planner, keep your digital folders (and physical folders) organized. Throw away things that are unnecessary.
  15. Do something outside of what’s trending – you could end up creating the next new trend.
  16. Stop taking criticism personally.
  17. Work smarter/more efficiently.
  18. Embrace white space and keep things simple.
  19. Try more hand-illustrations.
  20. Start a blog, or blog more often.
  21. Travel for inspiration.
  22. Take more photos.
  23. Drink less coffee.
  24. Appreciate your clients – thank them, buy them lunch, wish them a happy birthday.
  25. Ask more questions.
  26. Do more research.
  27. Keep your eyes peeled for inspiration everywhere you go.
  28. Pick a weakness and try to overcome it.
  29. Keep in touch with your past clients.
  30. Create a custom font.