Ask the Designers: Nov. 2017


Welcome to the blog’s newest segment: “Ask the Designers.” Once a month, you’ll get an insider’s perspective on the life of our designers – President Shawn O’Mara, Vice President Jesse Mader, Art Director Nina Zivkovic, and Graphic Designer Laura Smith. We’ll give you tips, resources, and even a few fun facts about us.

1.     What do you do when you have designer’s block?

I go and teach. I teach so many  talented designers at The Art institute of Pittsburgh, Duquesne and Chatham and they keep me inspired with fresh creativity.

I literally put myself in the shoes of one of my heroes and imagine how they would handle the situation. For instance, I would ask myself, “What would Walt Disney do?”

Walking down to the coffee shop. Nothing like a good ol’ cup of Coffee and a walk to restart yourself.

I always go on Pinterest for ideas when I’m feeling uninspired – Pinterest is filled with great design inspiration accounts and tools!

2.     What’s your secret to keeping a good client relationship?

Be yourself.. I love design and being creative. The clients know when it is genuine or a BS sales pitch.

Mutual respect is the key to any good relationship. We respect what they do, and they respect what we do.

Your authentic personality and honesty! If I’m super excited, I’ll literally type it out or say it to the client. I use more exclamation points than ‘Elaine Benes’ did in Seinfeld!! You can be professional while still having fun and honest, and adding that and your personality to a conversation helps build a good relationship without being too stiff and fake.
Even though I’m fresh out of school, I’ve been learning along the way. I don’t know if I have a “secret,” but I definitely always try to stay positive, respond as quickly as I can, and always say thank you!

3.     Coke or Pepsi?

Diet Pepsi – But I gotta start making better choices. : )

Coke Zero. And Turkey. And gravy and stuffing.

Ugh. If I have to choose, my 2017 self says Coke.

Definitely Coke. Not even a question.

Check back next month for more tips, resources, and fun facts!