Optimize Your Landing Page

Though landing pages may seem simple, they need just as much attention to detail as multi-page websites do. Before you publish your next landing page, make sure you can say “yes” to all of these items in the list below!


My landing page…

  • is fully responsive

It looks great on desktops and mobile devices (phones, tablets, etc.)

  • is quick to load

It doesn’t lag, and grabs my attention quickly.

  • has images that have proper alt tags

All my images are named properly for SEO.

  • has a title tag

The title tag is also 55 characters or less – the simpler the better!

  • has a meta description

The meta description is 156 characters or less. It also contains keywords.


The copy on my landing page…

  • uses keywords that people are searching for.
  • is broken into short paragraphs.

That way, my readers will not get overwhelmed or bored!

  • is enticing and easy to read.

Everything sounds great when I practice reading the copy out loud! I didn’t use any words that are not well-known or slang that not everyone could understand. The copy is direct, concise, and specific. It gets the point across easily.

  • is free of typos and grammatical errors.

This one is common sense, but it makes my page look professional, intelligent and trustworthy!


The design of my landing page…

  • matches my branding.

It makes my page recognizable, professional, and trustworthy.

  • is logical and sequential.

I’ve looked at the design through the eyes of a visitor to make sure the layout and flow make sense to someone who has never been on the page before.

  • has easily-readable fonts.

I use web-friendly fonts to make sure everyone can see my page the way I see it. If I use more than one font, they look good together. Longer sections of text have a sans-serif font.

  • has a pleasing color palette.

The colors are consistent with, or complement, my brand.

Calls-To-Action / Forms

My landing page….

  • has buttons that stand out.

The buttons are recognizable and do not blend in to my page, so users know what they are. Also, they also have some sort of effect that makes it clear they’re “clickable.” Additionally, the copy in the button(s) are unique, invoke a specific call-to-action, and say more than just “click here.”

  • has a functioning form.

The form on my page stands out, but also looks like it belongs with the rest of the page. Additionally, it asks for only necessary information, so that viewers can fill out the form quickly and not feel like they’re giving away all of their personal information. Also, it goes to the correct person(s) when a viewer clicks the “submit” button.


The images on my landing page…

  • are high-quality.

Ideally, the images on my page are original. If not, they are high quality stock photos or illustrations.

  • are sized properly.

The images on my landing page are not too big that they load slowly. They are also not too small that they look pixelated on large screens/monitors.

  • have good lighting.
  • match the look and feel of my brand.

The images on my landing page are not “corny.” They look warm and approachable when needed, or bold and simplistic when necessary.

  • show the product or service my brand will promote.

The image(s) and/or video(s) that highlight my product or service are high quality, and show my product/service in the best light possible. Also, it is clear what my product or service is. And, the images add to the appeal of what my brand offers.

Landing pages are becoming increasingly popular for digital marketing. Also, they allow a business to target its audience in an effective way. Additionally, landing pages can help businesses track their audience and generate new leads. Therefore, it is especially important that landing pages not only have great design and flow, but also are optimized correctly for SEO.

Do you need a landing page design and optimization for your business? Contact us at Prizum. Let’s get creative, let’s optimize.