It’s that time of year – we’re all coming out of winter hibernation and ready to get organized. Taxes are being filed, houses are being decluttered, and now it’s time for our social media accounts to get a good spring cleaning. Here’s our checklist of things to do to clean up your social media accounts for your business.


  • Update your profile pictures.

Make sure all of your social media accounts have the same profile picture (for streamlining platforms). Make sure that photo is the most up-to-date it possibly can be.


  • Update your contact information.

Did your business move locations? Add a new location? Change phone numbers? Make sure all of your social media profiles are up-to-date with the most current information, across all platforms.


  • Update your business bio.

Businesses are constantly evolving and changing. Make sure your bio on all platforms is accurate and highlight the most important pieces of information you want viewers to see when they visit your social media accounts.


  • Declutter followings.

Are there any spam accounts you follow or any inactive accounts? Un-follow these accounts. It is important to retain an accurate, reliable network on your social media accounts.


  • Find new, relevant accounts to follow.

Yes, spring cleaning is all about decluttering. But on social media, it is also about making sure you are staying up-to-date with new trends, businesses, and people. Take the time to find new industry-relevant groups, people, or companies to follow and connect with. Out with the old, in with the new!


  • Change your passwords.

It’s super important to routinely change your passwords. This is especially important to do if your company has had an influx and efflux of employees in the past year or two. This will give you and your company an accurate understanding of who has access to all social media accounts. In general, it is good to regularly change passwords, for general security purposes.


  • “Make it official.” Get verified.

Is your brand only verified on one platform, but not the rest? Not verified at all? Get that blue check mark now! This will help increase trust among new viewers, and current followers. Don’t wait around – make it official!


  • Review your previous goals and make new goals.

If your social media accounts are not getting your company more business, connections, or whatever results you set out to achieve, then something needs to change. Take a close look at your previous goals, the results you got, and brainstorm how to get even better results in the next year. If you’ve achieved all of your previous goals and your social media accounts are making fantastic impressions, keep doing what you’re doing, AND make new goals to make your online presence even greater than it already is!


  • Strategize now.

With a clean, updated social media presence, now is the time to figure out what the rest of your year should look like on social media. Plan large campaigns, holiday posts, customer deals & offers, or even weekly segments. Get these plans organized in a content calendar, and start getting your content together. If you plan accordingly and schedule posts ahead of time, your social media accounts will take care of themselves.


Sure, spring cleaning can be tough. But once it’s done and you’ve completed everything on this list, you’ll feel relieved and proud that your social media marketing Pittsburgh is in great shape.