While you’re in spring cleaning mode, why not take some time to spring clean your website? It’s always a good idea to make sure your website is looking fresh and the content is up to date for SEO purposes. Here’s a checklist of items to look through on your website to make sure your site is looking fresh and clean!

Home Page Rotators… Time for a Rotation

Right when you open your website, what do you see? Do you have a series of rotating images (hero images, billboard images, etc.)? If you’ve had the same images for more than a year, it may be time to switch them up.

If the photos are outdated, try taking some new shots, or look for some newer, more modern stock images.

Do you have old offers or announcements? Take them off! Add in new offers or announcements to replace the old ones.


Refresh Your Content to Boost SEO

Take a look at your site, page-by-page. Yes, this may be daunting if you have a large website with a lot of content, but it will be worth it once you’re done. Here are some pieces of content to take a look at and refresh if necessary:

Copy with Keywords and Key Phrases

Read through everything. If anything is factually incorrect, change it. If any information sounds outdated, modernize it. Also look into using keywords that will boost SEO, and ultimately drive more traffic to your site.


Do you have new employees? Have any of your employees left the company? Make sure to keep your list/page of employees current. Also, if your team hasn’t taken any new photos or head shots, now is the time to work on getting new photos taken!


Services & Policies

Have your services or policies changed since you last updated your site? Now’s your chance to go in and adjust those items.



Many companies (depending on the industry, etc.) increase their prices on an annual basis. Make sure your prices listed on your site are the same as what you tell your customers. Or, if you think it’s time for a price increase, change it while you’re already cleaning up the rest of your site.


Does your business have any awards to be proud of that aren’t currently on your site? Add them! If you’ve been awarded numerous times, it may be time to dedicate a page to the awards you’ve received. New awards may also be something to feature on your home page (maybe in a rotator), or in a blog or news post. Find somewhere to show off your achievements!


Update Your Offers

Say goodbye to your winter sales and promos, and say hello to your spring and summer offers!  If your site is still promoting a sale from Black Friday, and it’s currently almost April, it’s time to replace that offer with something for spring or summer.


Add New Photos

Did you think you were done after updating your rotating images and employee images? Don’t stop there! Make sure to look through photos on all of your pages to make sure all your photos look up-to-date and fresh. Do you have new products? Add photos of those! Is there a designated photo gallery page? Make sure to go through the current gallery and clear out any photos you don’t want/need anymore, then add in new ones to keep your site populated with fresh content.


Add New Projects

Does your site feature a lot of company projects? First, go through all of your existing projects. Decide if they’re all still relevant, or if there are any you need to remove or edit. Once that’s complete, add in any new projects you’d like to feature.

Add New Blogs

First things first – does your site have a blog? If the answer is no, definitely start one! Blogs are important for a variety of reasons, including relevancy, expressing knowledge on a certain subject, and boosting SEO with continuous content.


Add New Testimonials

Testimonials are an easy and great way to continuously update your site for SEO. If a decent amount of time has passed since you’ve updated your testimonials, it’s time to add some content.


Back-Ups & Plugin Updates

This might be one of, if not THE most important item. If there is one thing to check off from this checklist, it’s backups and plugin updates. If your site experiences a hack, or crashes and you don’t have it backed up, your online presence is in serious trouble. When your site drives most of your business, it’s filled with a lot of pages and content, etc., it’s recommended that you do a monthly backup. Sites that are updated semi-regularly can be backed up on a quarterly basis – once per season.

Prizum Creative offers packages for monthly and quarterly maintenance packages for our clients. If you’re interested in learning more about our backup and plugin packages, please contact us at Prizum Creative to make sure your site is getting the routine care it needs.

Need assistance with updating your site? Contact us at Prizum Creative. Let’s spring clean, let’s get creative.