Snapchat filters are a great tool for businesses to promote themselves, but now Snapchat has recently developed Snapchat Ad Manager, where businesses can create full advertisements that pop up while Snapchat users are viewing stories and subscriptions.


Because this feature is relatively new, it is a great opportunity for your business to tap into early on and be one of the first to utilize Snapchat Ads.


The Snapchat Ad Manager guides users through a step-by-step process to optimize the ad for the best audience and get the best results. First, you pick an objective for the campaign (drive traffic to website, drive installs of your app, grow awareness, drive video views). Then, you set your schedule for the campaign and name your campaign. Next, you set the specific audience (geography, demographics, custom audiences, etc.), budget/goal, and schedule.


Finally, you choose what ad type you’re going to use – there are four types: top snap only, web view, app install, and long-form video. The Top Snap only is a 3-10 second video, and has no interactive calls-to-action (like the rest of the ad types do). The web view ad will take interested viewers to your website. The app install will take users to the app store where they can purchase and download your app. The long-form video shows a sort of “trailer” for a much longer video, which can actually be up to 10 minutes.


Once you’ve uploaded your creative content (or built your content with one of Snapchat’s filters), you’re ready to launch and start monitoring your ad’s results! You can also edit parts of your campaign within ad manager, such as budget, schedule, bid amount, etc.


According to Snapchat Business Center, here are a few highlighted points of their tips for creative best practices:

  • Make sure to have a “hero” message for the opening frame / first second
  • 3 seconds to 5 seconds total for the ad is the “sweet spot” to drive action from viewers
  • Consider using animations like GIFs for more interesting ad
  • Provide your offer message (if applicable) in seconds 2 or 3


A couple things to keep in mind when creating your Snapchat ad campaign:

  • Snapchat ads are especially useful for companies who have millennial audiences, since they make up a large portion of Snapchat users.
  • Snapchat ads are also useful for international companies, since Snapchat is a globally used app.
  • Snapchat ads are going to be viewed on a phone – make sure all creative content is VERTICAL and optimized for mobile use
  • You do not have much time to catch a viewer’s attention – be very precise and strategic about your ad’s content, length, etc.
  • Think of interesting calls-to-action. Instead of the generic “Learn More” or “Go to Website”, think of more creative ways to entice your audience. For example, “Get Started Now,” “Give a Gift,” or “Play for Free” (using the word free is an attention-grabber). More interesting calls-to-action typically stand out among the crowd.


Additionally, here are a few “SnapStats” that may persuade you to put your ad(s) on Snapchat:

  • Snapchat averages 187 million daily active users globally.
  • Snapchatters average 30+ minutes on the app per day.
  • 60%+ of Snapchat users create content with the app every day.
  • Snapchatters open the app an average of 25 times per day.


We’re excited to start making Snapchat ads for our own clients! Contact us at Prizum Creative if you think this is a form of advertising your business could benefit from.