Why is it so important to have a blog on your website?


At Prizum Creative, when working with a client who needs a website developed, we always recommend creating a blog section. People often think blogs are unnecessary, and ask questions like “who really reads this anyways?” It’s actually more important than you may think.



Google has turned the web world into a (fair) game. Websites that have content posted or updated more often, generate better SEO. Fresh content is key to a successful site. With that in mind, a very obvious way to keep your site fresh is by writing a blog (monthly, weekly, or even daily). Years ago, it did not matter how long a blog post was, but in more recent years, Google now responds better to lengthier posts saturated with relevant keywords and content. Blogging is one of the best ways to increase SEO, which is a primary goal for a website in general. With generating better SEO for your site, blogging has some ripple effect benefits as well.



The more Google likes your blog’s SEO, the higher ranking it will achieve, and as a result, there will be an increase in traffic your blog and website as a whole.



Providing resources and advice to your audience makes your brand look intelligent, and even an industry leader.



If your blog starts out on a really strong note, people will notice. Your audience may like the advice you give, or the way you present your information so much that they return to your site for more information every time a blog is posted.



Blogs are usually not overly lengthy or complex to write. Many companies hire freelance copywriters to write content for their blog. Depending on who your copywriter is, a blog can be extremely affordable. Obviously, there are creatives who have been in the industry for many years and can give your brand the best blog, but it will come at a cost. If you have your college intern write your company’s web blogs, you might not be getting the highest possible quality work, but you would be getting the work for free. This decision may vary from company to company, but the decision to have a blog is non-negotiable.



Rather than your website just having the typical “About Us”, “Contact Us,” etc., a blog gives your brand some personality. A blog humanizes a brand, and makes customers feel like the brand is speaking to them and giving them advice. This makes customers feel more comfortable in asking questions and interacting with your brand.



A Forbes article suggests businesses with 401-1,000 pages of content get 6x more leads (sales, requests, email opt-ins, etc.) than those with 51-100. Over 400 pages sounds like a lot, but as you build your brand over time, and the more you continue to keep a fresh website with relevant content, it’s no question your company will flourish with leads.


Yes, we realize it is blog inception to write a blog about blogs. But it’s important to understand the importance of maintaining an active blog not only for SEO and web traffic, but for your brand’s reputation as a whole. At Prizum Creative, we always recommend introducing a blog segment. If you think your website needs a blog, feel free to reach out to us.