Writing your next blog? New to blogging and not sure where to begin? Coming up with fresh topics for content on a consistent basis definitely takes a creative mind. Depending on your industry, some topics may be more practical for you. Here are some different types of blogs, with multiple examples to get you thinking about your next blog!



Is there a certain process you can explain to others in your industry? A step-by-step guide is a great way to educate your audience. It also helps you generate a resource others (and yourself) can go back to.

Answers to Common Questions

Are there certain questions you should know the answer to in your industry? Create a list-format blog with a series of questions people in your industry (or even outside of your industry) frequently ask. Give them the answers!

History of Something in Your Industry

There is history everywhere we go. No matter what topic, there’s always a story behind it. For instance, if you write a blog in the creative industry, give an example of the history of how illustrations evolved over the years. Or, if you’re in the sports industry, talk about the history of a certain sport.

Define Key Terms

In every industry, there are certain terms people use frequently. Compile all of these common terms, and define them! This educates readers and also provides a new resource to reference.

Qualifications for Someone in Your Industry

There are certain characteristics that you should look for in candidates for certain job positions or an industry in general. Generate a list of these qualities and expand on them in your next blog entry.

Give Industry Advice to Newcomers

People who are new to an industry or job are probably curious about tips and advice on how to succeed. If you have extensive experience in a certain part of your industry, or have advice to give on the industry as a whole, here’s your chance! Take this opportunity to be honest and talk about your own experience in relation to your pieces of advice.


Share Your Favorite Resources

In your industry, do you have any go-to resources you use on a regular basis? For instance, maybe there is a certain website that helps with calculations you do on the daily. Or, maybe you work in social media and have a resource you use to stay up-to-date with sizing graphics for different platforms. Gather up all of your favorite resources, and share them – your blog followers will definitely appreciate the insider tips.


Share funny posts or videos

Sometimes it’s a good idea to take a break from the more educational blogs. Recently find a funny post or video? Share it!

Share a story

Yes, this sounds super generic. But, people love to read all sorts of stories! This topic in particular is totally up to interpretation. Did something interesting happen to you yesterday? Share that story. Is there a story from your childhood that shaped you? Write about it.

Share your hobbies

Outside of the industry you work in, what else do you do? Give a little insight on something you enjoy doing on your evenings or weekends by writing about your hobbies.

Share your favorite inspirational quotes

This one is about as simple as it gets. Compile a list of your favorite quotes and share them. Tell your audience why these quotes “speak” to you, or share a story about a time a quote related to something that happened in your life.

Create an infographic

An infographic is not only visually appealing, but is also informational! Gather some data and create a visual representation of it. For instance, Prizum Creative did a year in review infographic that showed different things that happened during that year.

Make an Announcement

If something big is about to happen to you personally, or your brand/company, let your readers know!


Review a new service or product

Is there a new service or product available in your industry? Try it out, and review it. Your followers will trust your judgement, and appreciate your eagerness to try something new.

Discuss new industry trends

Is there a shift in your industry? Talk about it. Write a blog about trends in your industry, and what impact it will make on the industry as a whole.

Discuss new industry news

What is going on in your industry right now? Share a blog that discusses some new, interesting, and relatable news within the industry.


Discuss problems in your industry

Are there new problems popping up in your industry? Any problems that have always been apparent? Talk about them. Discuss what impact they make, and your thoughts on if there are any solutions to the problems.

Tell your audience something you are passionate about

Everyone is passionate about something. Talk about your passion! If it’s something you’ve invested a lot of time in, it should be an easy blog to write a lot about. Discuss what your passion is, where it came from, and why it’s so important to you.

Write a myth vs. fact style post

Are there a lot of myths in your industry? Bust the myths, and present your readers with the facts.

Give your predictions for the future of the industry

Take a look through the history of your industry, what has led to where the industry is at today, and what direction you see the future of the industry heading in. Justify your answer with facts about the past and the present. Look at data and analytics as well.


Tell the history of your brand or company

Does your brand or company have an interesting history? Talk about it! People love to read about the story behind a brand.

Share a company update

Is there a shift in titles/roles? Is your company opening a new location? Share it with the world! People want to know. It helps them feel more personally connected to your company or brand.

Give tips on using your product or service effectively

Is your service or product meant to be used in a specific way? Give tips on how to use it to its fullest potential!


Share a time when you learned an important lesson

Tell a story about a time you learned an important lesson. Reflect on why that story has shaped your outlook on life, or made you the person you are today.

Discuss what makes you happy

Sometimes, it’s the little things in life that make us happy. Tell your audience what those are. Use this topic to reflect on the things in life that make you happy, and why.

Share what a typical day in your life looks like

Your blog followers clearly enjoy what you write, and respect you as a person. If you wrote a blog about what a day in your life looks like, your followers will definitely find it interesting.


Tell your audience your morning routine

How do you start your day on the right foot? This is a question a lot of people are looking for the answer to. Share what you do in the morning to set yourself up for a good day, and explain why it works for you.

Share a music playlist

Do you have a certain playlist you play when you need to focus? How about music you like to play when you need to relax? Share your playlists with your readers – they’ll definitely trust your judgement and take your recommendation!

Tell your audience how you deal with stress

Everyone deals with stress, and everyone deals with stress differently. If you feel that you deal with stress in a healthy way, share your secret to dealing with stress in an effective way.

Share your fitness routine

Are you in the health and wellness industry? Give some tips on keeping a good fitness routine, and share some specifics on what you do for your own personal fitness routine.

Share your favorite recipe

Do you write a lot about food or wellness? Share one of your favorite recipes.


Blogging helps increase your SEO, if you write and use your blog in the right way. Here are a few quick tips on better blog writing that will increase your SEO:

  • When you write your blog, pick out keywords and phrases, and use them throughout the blog.
  • Link back to other blogs you’ve written as references and resources.
  • Link back to other pages on your site (for instance, your services pages or product pages).

Whether you’re starting a new blog, or are just looking for new topic to write about, there is always an abundance of subjects to discuss. Though we’ve provided 31 topics in this blog, there are hundreds of more topics out there. Think about what your audience wants to read and learn more about, and get writing.

The Prizum Creative team has experience writing blogs every week on our own website. The team also has experience planning, writing, and publishing blogs for clients. Interested in learning more about our monthly blog packages? Contact us today at Prizum Creative. Let’s get writing, let’s get creative.