

About Laura Smith

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So far Laura Smith has created 102 blog entries.

Retargeting Ads: What Are They and How Can They Help Your Business Grow?

RETARGETING ADS: WHAT ARE THEY AND HOW CAN THEY HELP YOUR BUSINESS GROW?   This usually happens around the holidays – you’re Googling gift ideas for your family, and next thing you know, ads for those products start popping up on your Facebook, Yahoo, etc. How does the computer know to feed you those ads? Two words: retargeting advertisements. What are these ads and how can they help businesses grow? Retargeting ads are ads that are targeted specifically at [...]

By |2023-11-21T08:09:45-05:00February 2nd, 2018|

10 Things Your Website Homepage Should Have

Things Your Website Hompage Should HaveStarting to generate ideas for your new website can be challenging: What’s the most important information viewers need? What will make them click through other pages? What will generate business? Here are our suggestions:Large header image with a tagline/value propositionThis will be the first thing a viewer will see. It needs to be a bold image with a powerful, intriguing message that will make a lasting impression.At Least One Call-To-ActionA visually appealing website is always [...]

By |2024-03-26T02:32:24-04:00January 18th, 2018|

30 New Years Resolution Ideas for Graphic Designers

30 New Years Resolution Ideas for Graphic Designers Happy New Year! Now is the time to make an annual resolution. Want to make some career-oriented resolutions, but feeling uninspired? We’ve got the resolution inspiration you need.   Learn a new program. Master your weakest program. If you freelance, raise your rates. Update your portfolio. Subscribe to new design blogs. Redesign something just for fun. Help someone learn something you’re an expert in. Do some spring cleaning to your desktop… [...]

By |2023-11-21T08:13:13-05:00January 11th, 2018|

How Much To Set Aside For Your New Start Up Business

HOW MUCH TO SET ASIDE FOR YOUR NEW START UP BUSINESS Starting a new business and need some guidance on where to start? At Prizum Creative, we have over 45 years of combined professional experience building brands. Here are our suggestions and answers to questions you may have: How much should my start up business set aside for initial graphic design, web design, and marketing?  At Prizum Creative, we’ve worked with a large variety of small businesses, such as: [...]

By |2023-11-22T07:21:16-05:00January 5th, 2018|

Ask the Designers: December 2017

Ask the Designers: Dec. 2017   Welcome to the blog’s newest segment: “Ask the Designers.” Once a month, you’ll get an insider’s perspective on the life of our designers – President Shawn O’Mara, Vice President Jesse Mader, Art Director Nina Zivkovic, and Graphic Designer Laura Smith. We’ll give you tips, resources, and even a few fun facts about us.   1.     What is your logo design process like? SHAWN: I always  like to start with a client meeting to [...]

By |2023-11-16T06:01:42-05:00December 29th, 2017|

BLOGCEPTION: The Importance of Blogs

BLOG INCEPTION: A BLOG ABOUT BLOGSWhy is it so important to have a blog on your website? At Prizum Creative, when working with a client who needs a website developed, we always recommend creating a blog section. People often think blogs are unnecessary, and ask questions like “who really reads this anyways?” It’s actually more important than you may think. SEOGoogle has turned the web world into a (fair) game. Websites that have content posted or updated more often, generate better SEO. [...]

By |2024-03-26T01:38:44-04:00December 15th, 2017|

Write the Perfect Instagram Bio for Your Business

PERFECT INSTAGRAM BIO FOR YOUR BUSINESS When developing social media marketing plans for a business’s Instagram account, the emphasis is mostly placed on the content that will be produced and shared, since that’s what social media is meant for. However, many businesses often overlook their bio, the 150 characters that introduce the brand to the world of Instagrammers. Much like a tweet, this bio should be short, but powerful. Here are some tips on how to make your bio speak for [...]

By |2024-03-26T02:17:55-04:00December 7th, 2017|

Ask the Designers: November 2017

Ask the Designers: Nov. 2017   Welcome to the blog’s newest segment: “Ask the Designers.” Once a month, you’ll get an insider’s perspective on the life of our designers – President Shawn O’Mara, Vice President Jesse Mader, Art Director Nina Zivkovic, and Graphic Designer Laura Smith. We’ll give you tips, resources, and even a few fun facts about us. 1.     What do you do when you have designer’s block? SHAWN: I go and teach. I teach so many  talented [...]

By |2023-11-22T05:00:26-05:00November 22nd, 2017|

Size Matters: Why Big Brands Work With Small Agencies

Size Matters: Why Big Brands Work With Small Agencies   When it comes to choosing a creative agency to work with, size matters. Many large brands and corporations have decided to start working with smaller agencies. Here’s why:   Employees Wear Multiple Hats At small agencies, every team member must be able to adapt to and learn various programs, methods, styles, and industries. Employees at these agencies work with a large variety of clients every day and must be able [...]

By |2019-03-15T06:11:22-04:00November 16th, 2017|
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